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I too feel so maddened by articles that speak about why men cheat and say it’s because of the relationship

I too feel so maddened by articles that speak about why men cheat and say it’s because of the relationship

He was the love of my life and everything seemed okay until he started saying he was depressed with his life

Wow Jana, you took words right out of my mouth. NO. I too had unmet needs, ALOT OF THEM, but I stayed, asiameA data de login grinded, worked my ass off on myself, on us, on my baby and on running my household. I did the hard work that life calls on especially mothers and I had grit and determination. If he had issues, he should have spoken up. But it is easier for them not to. It is easier for them to be a coward and go get their “needs” met on the side like a true monster. He cheated because he is a deeply disturbed human being. Period. End of story. I believe the garbage out there about why men cheat is just another form of misogyny.

I also connected to every word you spoke of in your second paragraph. For a second, i thought you knew my ex and was talking about him! This is exactly him. Since writing this in December I have done alot of research and realized my ex is a narcissist/sociopath. I know that sounds outlandish however he is at least somewhere on the spectrum and he (along with SO MANY) other men (and some women too) follow a very predictable pathology. The fact that your ex and my ex are so similar I believe is no coincidence. Since learning about narcissism and narcissistic abuse, I have been able to finally put to words what has happened to me and its allowed me to be more peaceful with it.